Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, June 18, 2013

In choosing an internet connection, it is very important to consider your location and specially your budget. There are a lot of choices that can be considered. However, it is a common denominator among people, whether they utilize the internet for work or play, to opt for with a fast web connection.


The dial-up or the Analogue can be considered as the poor man’s connection because it is believed to the cheapest and slowest internet connection. It has the speed of up to 56kbs and uses an Internet Service Provider (ISP), cable and a modem to translate the analogue data. With this, the user needs to dial a phone number to the ISP in order to be connected. Moreover, the modem translates the said analogue data into digital which can be understood by the user.

internet connection


On the other hand, a DSL connection, unlike the analogue, does not need dialling up to an ISP. It is an internet access that is on all the time. All you need to do is plug the two-wire telephone cable and you are already connected. With this type of connection, there are also various subtypes like SDSL, ADSL and VDSL. All these subtypes however work the same.

TV Cable modem

Another form of internet connection is the Cable modem which is relatively faster than the previous types. It has a speed of 512kbs to 20Mbps and uses television lines to be able to connect into the internet. Compared to telephone lines, cable TV uses coaxial cables which provide higher bandwidth.

Broadband and Optical

Broadband is a connection that does not need a modem in order to be able to connect unlike other types of connections and is believed to be the most reliable. Talking about cable connection, there is another type called Optical Cable that can reach a speed of 16Gbps+. It is fiber-optic and has the highest data rates compared to the other common internet connection and is fairly easy to maintain.


Meanwhile, a connection over Satellite is stable however; it has a slower speed than that of broadband because of its distance. This type of connection uses a communication satellite that is positioned in the orbit that provides an uninterrupted connection but due to its very far distance from the users, it transmits data slower than normal.

Tier Carrier

Further, there is a type of internet connection that can be connected to the backbone of the internet itself. You can research t1 service providers online. This is the kind of connection that is used by ISP. Tier Carrier has subtypes that vary in speed and number of individual channels that they carry. With the T-1 line, it can carry up to 26 individual channels while T-3 can carry up to 672 and with a speed not slower but can be higher than 43Mbps. A T-5 however has the speed of up to 400Mbps. This kind of connection is impractical to be used by home-based computer sets.


Moreover, if you think you have the fastest connection, think again. Today, there is this type of connection that can reach a speed of up to 100Gbps. Internet2 is believed to be the world’s fastest internet connection and it really feels different to have this kind of connection. This was developed through the effort of a networking consortium to provide a high internet speed for education and research purposes. Still, it remains an alien thing to have such a connection.

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