Posted by : Unknown Sunday, June 16, 2013

When an external media like CD/DVD or USB is plugged into your windows computer it automatically suggests applications to open the content.Before opening you should always scan the external media with your antivirus to prevent Viruses and trojans.If Real Time protection is not enabled in your antivirus and you open content using Autoplay then your computer will be vulnerable to virus attacks.

How To Disable Autoplay USB or CD/DVD Drives:-

  • Click on Start button and then on Run (or  press Window+R button).
  • Type gpedit.msc in the Run Command and click on OK.

  • In pop up window select Administrative Templates under Computer Configuration section from left window pane and double click on Windows Components in right window pane.
  • Now look for the AutoPlay Policies and double click on it.
  • Now double click on Turn off Autoplay.
  • In the pop up window select Enabled button and in Turn off Autoplay On section select CD-ROM and removable media drives.
  • Now click on Apply button and then on OK button.
That’s it now when you will insert any USB or CD/DVD drive in your computer then it won’t be launch automatically.

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